IUPB Events

Letter from the President

Yoshitaka Fukada
Tokyo, JAPAN 3 January 2025

Dear IUPB Member Societies and our wider community of photobiology/photobiochemistry colleagues,

Last year, when the COVID-19 pandemic came to an end, we were able to enjoy the 18th International Congress of Photobiology (ICP) face-to-face in Perth, Western Australia. I took over the role of the President of the International Union of Photobiology (IUPB) after Professor Janet F. Bornman (Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia) who served as the President from 2019 (17th ICP at Barcelona) through 2024 (18th ICP at Perth) and will continue to serve on our executive board as Past-President.

At the general assembly during the 18th ICP in Perth, I announced several topics for the future activities of IUPB. The first and most important of these is to held a successful international congress to gather photobiologists, photochemists, photomedical scientists and related researchers from around the world. Fortunately, Dr. Luis Arnaut (Professor, University of Coimbra) proposed to organize the next ICP in Coimbra (Portugal) and his proposal has been unanimously accepted by the IUPB Executive Board. We are very much looking forward to the 19th ICP in Coimbra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. On this occasion, we would particularly like to encourage the younger generation to organize symposia and deliver talks at the congress, at the same time providing equal opportunities to scientists of all backgrounds, ages, and genders.

IUPB-MEPSA World Congress 2024

2024 IUPB awardees

The awards were presented during the 18th International Congress of Photobiology held in Perth, Western Australia, from 25 to 30 August 2024.

Finsen Medalists


Kristian Berg

Institute of Cancer Research
Oslo University Hospital - Oslo, Norway

Yoshitaka Fukada

Graduate School of Science
University of Tokyo - Tokyo, Japan

Jean Krutmann

IUF – Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine - Düsseldorf, Germany

Edna Roe Lecturer


Angela Falciatore

CNRS, France

Finsen Lecturer


Keiichi Inoue

Institute for Solid State Physics
University of Tokyo - Tokyo, Japan

2026 ASP 43rd Biennial Meeting


2026 American Society for
43rd Photobiology Biennial Meeting

16-19 May 2026 • Scottsdale, AZ
Embassy Suites by Hilton Scottsdale Resort

2026 ASP SAve the Date

XVI ELAFOT and 2nd LatASP 2025 Meeting


XVI ELAFOT and 2nd LatASP 2025 Meeting

October 27 – 30, 2025
Panama City, Panama

XVI ELAFOT and 2nd LatASP 2025 Meeting

Visible Light Photoprotection Consensus Conference

  • A consensus conference on the assessment of degrees of photoprotection from visible light will be held in Amsterdam, September 19-21, 2025 under the auspices of the International Union of Photobiology.
  • Invited participants only.
  • For further information and sponsorship options please contact visiblelight [at] thetriumph.com.

21st Congress of the European Society for Photobiology
August 25-29 , 2025 Bari, Italy

ASP Monthly Webinars

ASP is excited to announce monthly webinars on the first Thursday of every month, from 1:00–2:00 pm Eastern Time (10:00–11:00 am Pacific Time).

These are free for everyone!

They will also be recorded and put behind the ASP member wall a couple of days after the webinars.

ASP Webinars


Obituary for Kendric C. Smith

We are heartbroken to hear of the passing of ASP's founder, Kendric Smith. Kendric founded the ASP in 1972 and has been the backbone of our society ever since. Our hearts go out to his loved ones at this time.

Kendric C. Smith played a pivotal role in the establishment and development of the American Society for Photobiology (ASP).

In 1970, he organized the Photochemistry Photobiology Group (PPG) and served as its first chairman, which laid the groundwork for a more formal organization.

A more detailed obituary can be found at ASP Newsletter.

Kendric C. Smith

7th Photobiology School - June 16-22, 2024
Casa della Gioventù Universitaria of the University of Padova
Via Rio Bianco 12, I-39042 Brixen/Bressanone, Italy

With the the patronage of the University of Padova and of IQS-University Ramon Lull.

Obituary for Herbert Hönigsmann

The International Union of Photobiology mourns the death of Herbert Hönigsmann, its long term executive board member (Treasurer 1996-2000, President 2000-2004, Secretary 2008, and Secretary-Treasurer 2009-2014), who passed away unexpectedly on the morning of August 21, 2023, at the age of 80.

In 1996, he organised and hosted the memorable 12th International Congress on Photobiology in Vienna and in 2014 he received the Finsen Medal for Fundamental Contributions to Photomedicine. He had a decisive influence on the field and shaped our Society.

We will miss him and share the sorrow with his family, friends and colleagues.

A more detailed obituary can be found at Springer Link.