IUPB Membership

Membership is open to Societies and individuals engaged in photobiology, photobiochemistry and photomedicine. Individuals who do not have a regional or national society are very welcome as IUPB members. An ‘Individual IUPB members’ group in any one country can nominate a contact person/spokesperson to liaise with the IUPB President and Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will assist with circulating the names of the individual members.

How to join

Associations or individuals interested in becoming IUPB members are invited to send their informal application (including their details and a brief motivation) to the evelyne.sage [at] (IUPB Secretary) at any time. Admission will be granted by the IUPB Board after approval of the application by a majority of existing members.

We have also made some very beneficial changes to the fee structure to encourage new Societies and individuals to join IUPB and our current members to continue to support IUPB.

*Savings are compared to signing up for only 1 year at a time
Society members 1 year 2 years * 4 years *
Groups or Societies with the following members EUR EUR EUR
Up to 100 150 120/year (save 60) 90/year (save 240)
101 - 300 350 320/year (save 60) 290/year (save 240)
Over 300 750 720/year (save 60) 690/year (save 240)
Individual members EUR EUR EUR
  40 30/year (save 20) 20/year (save 80)

Benefits and rewards of joining IUPB

  1. Only IUPB members (covered by their Societies or as Individual members) may apply for IUPB Congress student travel awards and other offerings.
  2. Each member Society and group of Individual IUPB members from any one country can each send one delegate to attend the extended Board meeting at the International Congresses.
  3. Nominations of candidates for the Finsen medalists, Finsen lecturer, and Edna Roe lecturer are welcomed.
    Travel and accommodation to the associated congress are covered by IUPB for the above awardees.
  4. Nomination of candidates to the IUPB Executive Board for Vice-President.
  5. Member Societies will be listed and identified with their logo on the IUPB website for increasing national and international exposure.
  6. Member Society Executive Boards/Committees are invited to submit news and announcements (e.g., for courses, webinars, regional meetings) for consideration for posting on the IUPB website to reach a larger audience; similarly, noteworthy IUPB activities could be broadcasted through the relevant societies.
  7. A Job Board for posting new positions will be available for contributions and maintained at the IUPB website; please suggest other website features to promote members.
  8. Invitations to Society and Individual members to act as Guest Editors for a biennial special issue on selected topics for publication in the journal Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences within the Springer Nature group.
  9. Organisation, suggestions for topics or participation in international webinars, which will be offered two or three times a year as a way of keeping in touch with the photobiology communities across the world (contact the evelyne.sage [at] (IUPB Secretary)).

A small committee will be appointed by the IUPB Executive Board to plan and coordinate the above, and act as a point of contact.